Fluency issues at the upper elementary and middle school level can be tricky to say the least. Are they regressing, improving, or maintaining their fluency? How can I make them more independent regarding their fluency? How can I keep them fluent
outside of the magical bubble of speech therapy? So many questions and insecurities-for us and for them.
That's why I developed this sweet little checklist for independence and ownership. I send my middle schoolers out into the harsh world of middle school with this slip of paper. They go to the office for a ream of paper or to deliver a note to a teacher. Don't get me wrong-this is not for the major disfluent kiddo. This checklist is for that student who is having a fluent time and needs to try to move towards maintenance. They know what they are supposed to be doing to maintain fluency but are they doing it? This checklist helps them see what they are doing correctly and what they need.
Print out this free checklist, cut them in half, and go over each area with your student. Have him/her use this form in therapy for a few weeks checking and rating their current fluency levels. Email the chosen NICE staff member or teacher and give them a heads up that you are sending your speech student to them to listen to how they sound. They can simply hit "reply" and let you know. Have the student rate themselves on the rating sheet. That's it-documented and ready to go!
So, download this FREE Fluency Self-Check (click link below) for your students and BAM, planning is done!